Friday 23 June 2023

LET ME KNOW A LITTLE BIT ABOUT YOU. And Thank You For your Visit !

 In light that the blog traffic 

has virtually exploded this past month, 

I wanted to get to know you. 

If you enjoy the content of this Blog, 

please find the time to leave a short comment 

and some details about yourself and 

why you enjoy the music. 

It would help me understand more 

about your interests 

and the type of content that you enjoy the most. 

Although I do not take requests, 

I am curious about 

general tastes in music and what is drawing you 

to my blog, 

so I may be able to provide the content 

you enjoy the most.

Cheers and enjoy the music.


AssEClark said...

My music collecting started in 1978 and has continued to this day, enjoy all genres, especially Disco and Funk, but favourite band are ELO

Anonymous said...

Thanks Ray...I hope you find content you enjoy from time to time.
And Yes Jeff Lynne is a musical genius ! the subtle blend of Pop/Rock and Classical instrumentation in his work is mind blowing !